Navigating the bond market with Fixed Income Trader Soren Erickson

by User Not Found | Feb 21, 2024

Soren Erickson recently joined the Badgley Phelps team as a dedicated fixed income trader, bringing a wealth of expertise in municipal bonds and a passion for the intricacies of the bond market overall. Here’s what this adventurous crossword fan has to say about his path to financial services, his role at Badgley, and how he spends his downtime.

Navigating the bond market with precision

As a fixed income trader, Soren says his role is “to find high-quality municipal bonds that meet our risk parameters and fit well within a client’s portfolio, then try to buy them at a fair price.” He says he has a deep-seated interest in the bond market, which he describes as vast and interconnected with the broader economy. “I’ve always been drawn to the sheer size and scale of it, the many different little niches within, the esoteric nature, and the interrelation with the broader economy.”

Soren appreciates that his Badgley team members echo his enthusiasm. He says, “It’s a great group of people with a passion for, and deep knowledge of, the markets and investing. What makes it even more special is that everyone is down to earth and approachable, creating a unique combination.”

The importance of balance in life and work

Soren’s choice of career paths may have been influenced by his parents, who taught him the value of a hard-earned dollar and the “miracle” of compound interest. They also taught him one of his guiding principles: to live with balance. Soren says, “They always taught me to give my full attention and best effort to whatever I’m pursuing, but also to maintain a sense of perspective and balance in life.”

While this natural night owl rises with the bond market (and coffee) and puts his all into his work, he relishes his downtime relaxing with his wife, extended family, and friends. An avid basketball player, Soren also loves exploring—whether that means biking his way through the Pacific Northwest or enjoying food and wine in Southwestern France, a place he loves so much he’s learning French.

Soren and his wife are fans of getting out in the community and enjoying live events, from music to performances to sporting events. When at home, Soren relaxes after the dishes are done with a crossword or some TV with his two cats, Sibi and Jojo.

A self-proclaimed glass-half-full person, Soren believes in staying positive and thankful for what you have, adding, “I think it’s always important to practice gratitude.” We’re grateful Soren grew from his first job rounding up shopping carts at Fred Meyer to the bond market expert he is today—and for his unwavering commitment to helping Badgley Phelps clients grow and preserve their wealth.

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Originally posted on February 21, 2024.


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